Our agency is focused on
We believe that the basis of each activity is trust and multi-faceted understanding of the problems and needs of our Clients.
We believe that the basis of each activity is trust.
We think in a project-based way. We define and analyze the issue, and then create dedicated solutions. We look at the entire process from a wider perspective to see the big picture. We offer quality projects using the potential of our team of people, who have been shaping the advertising market for over 10 years.
Consulting and audit
Media planning
and buying
and audit
- Business start-up
- Product development
- Entry into new market
- Development of a well-thought-out communications strategy
- Campaign concept
- Media planning and buying
and buying
Mom worth a medal
Purpose of the action: Launch of the image campaign
Canpol Babies knows how much effort and hard work mothers put in to raise their children. The company also knows that every mother tends to hear every now and then that she does nothing all day long. Together with Canpol babies we decided to support mothers! We want every woman to be proud of being a mother, boast about the competencies she developed and show that she is indeed the "Mother worth a medal!".
The following was prepared as part of the action:PROJECTS
LS Airport
Purpose of the action: Finding high-quality resumes
LSAS Personnel issues
Result-oriented solution
Effects of dedicated approach
Business effects
Oponeo Formula
Purpose of the action: Preparation of the video spot
To emphasize the comprehensiveness of making a purchase at a service center - i.e. combined online shopping and tire fitting at a service center chosen by the Client - we conceived a creative concept, according to which all employees working in a garage should be a part of the Formula 1 technical team. Tires are changed at lightning speed, hence, our Clients may save time and spend it as they wish.
The following was prepared as part of the action:PROJECTS
Epic Drama
Purpose of the action: Launching TV channel
Comprehensive marketing strategy as a way for a great opening of the Epic Drama channel. Strategy suited for channel launch planned in four steps:
We are guided by
business empathy
Understanding is
Our goal is to efficiently implement the communication campaign of brands, products and services. We promote both quality and business effect.Our goal is to efficiently implement the communication campaign of brands, products and services.
everything in one hand
Our goal is to efficiently implement the communication campaign of brands, products and services. We observe, analyze and draw conclusions to recommend the best optimum solutions. We promote both quality and business effect.Marketing is not a one-time event, but a long-term process. The dialogue with the Client constitutes an important element. Thanks to our experience, we know how to understand the needs of our Clients and how to respond to them.
We believe that the basis of each activity is trust and multi-faceted understanding of the problems and needs of our Clients.
We have long experience in the online advertising and TV sectors. Even though we are the ones who create such market, we re-learn it all the time to seek more and more efficient solutions.
Kurpińskiego 74
02-733 Warsaw
REGON: 146925147
KRS: 0000480649
For Clients
Contact us
Visit us
Kurpińskiego 74
02-733 Warsaw
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Polityka prywatności
Zgodnie z art. 13 ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016) informuję, iż:
- administratorem danych osobowych jest White Paper Agency sp. z o. o. sp. k. z siedzibą w Warszawie (02-733), pod adresem: ul. Karola Kurpińskiego 74, której akta rejestrowe przechowuje Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS: 0000782187, REGON: 383121959, NIP: 5213863816,
- Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą dla w celach udzielenia odpowiedzi na zapytanie (podstawa prawna: prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora) oraz marketingu produktów własnych (podstawa prawna: prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora),
- Dane osobowe przechowywane będą do czasu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie lub do momentu odwołania zgody,
- Odbiorcami Pani/Pana danych osobowych będą wyłącznie podmioty uprawnione do uzyskania danych osobowych na podstawie przepisów prawa,
- posiada Pani/Pan prawo do żądania od administratora dostępu do danych osobowych, prawo do ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie,
- ma Pani/Pan prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego,
- podanie danych osobowych jest obligatoryjne w oparciu o przepisy prawa, a w pozostałym zakresie jest dobrowolne.